Downtown Managed Services

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Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Our team of experts can help you find a solution that fits your needs.

Our services include:

Business Continuity PlanningDisaster recovery and business continuity planning is an important part of any company’s operations. We help businesses prepare for disasters by performing disaster simulations, creating business impact analysis plans and developing back-up plans.

IT ConsultingIT consulting can provide businesses with assistance in a variety of areas such as enterprise architecture, project management, system security and more. Our consultants have years of experience working with companies large and small to help them succeed in today’s competitive marketplace.

Network & Server ManagementNetwork and server management is an essential component of any business’ IT infrastructure. Our experts will monitor your network 24/7 so that you can focus on running your business smoothly while we take care of all the details behind the scenes.

Telecom ServicesTelecom services are another vital component to any company’s technology infrastructure. We can design custom telecommunication solutions for businesses large or small that meet their specific needs as well as their budget constraints.

We are a full-service IT solutions provider with over 20 years of experience in the industry. Likewise, we are known for our expertise in providing managed services, cloud computing, and business continuity solutions throughout downtown Fort Lauderdale and Boca Raton.

Our team has been able to help hundreds of businesses across South Florida improve their overall productivity, efficiency, and profitability by leveraging technology solutions that meet their unique needs.

We are located at 800 W. Cypress Creek Road, Suite 110, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309. We have a full-time office manager that will be there in case you have any questions or concerns about our services.

We are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday through Friday, but we can also accommodate after-hours meetings by appointment only. Please contact us at 954-524-90-02 or email us if this is something that interests you.

Talk with us & see how easy it is to get the support you need