From Slowdowns to Pop-ups: Recognizing the Telltale Signs of Malware
Importance of Regular Malware Scans and Removal 1
Cleaning Up the Digital Mess: The Importance of Regular Malware Scans and Removal

In today’s digital landscape, where our lives are increasingly intertwined with technology, it is more important than ever to prioritize the cleanliness and security of our digital devices. Malware, malicious software designed to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to our digital assets, poses a significant threat to our online privacy and security.

Best Wi-Fi Solutions for Small Business Offices and Startups

In today’s digital age, having a reliable and fast Wi-Fi connection is essential for any small business. Whether you’re running a startup or managing an office, you need a Wi-Fi solution that can keep up with your demands. Here are some top Wi-Fi options to consider for your business.

Smart Tips to Keep Money From Being Stolen Through Online Banking
Smart Tips to Keep Money From Being Stolen Through Online Banking

There are a lot of things that have changed since the invention of the internet. One of these is how we bank and access our accounts. You used to have to go into a local bank branch to make deposits and withdrawals. Now, you can take a picture of a check and deposit it from your phone. In this article, we’ll take a look at the mistakes people make that leave their accounts at risk. Then, we’ll go over some important tips on how to keep your bank account better protected.

Mobile Malware Has Increased 500% - What Should You Do?
Mobile Malware Has Increased 500% – What Should You Do?

Cybersecurity researchers uncovered an alarming mobile statistic. During the first few months of 2022, mobile malware attacks surged by 500%. This is alarming both in scale and because many people aren’t yet protecting smartphones. For years, mobile phones have become more powerful. They now do many of the same functions as a computer – just with a much smaller screen. Yet, people tend to secure their computers better than they do their smartphones.

Have You Had Data Exposed in One of These Recent Data Breaches?
Have You Had Data Exposed in One of These Recent Data Breaches?

Data breaches are an unfortunate part of life. And can have costly consequences for individuals. Hackers can steal identities and compromise bank accounts, just to name a couple. It’s best to protect yourself with some knowledge. We’ll help by listing several recent breaches. If you’ve interacted with any of these companies, you’ll want to take steps to protect yourself from the fallout.

8 Tech Checks to Make Before You Travel
8 Tech Checks to Make Before You Travel

Our technology inevitably comes with us when we travel. Most of us won’t even travel to the end of the block without our smartphones. When you go on a trip, not having your technology there when you need it can ruin your day. Travel smarter and more securely by doing several checks before you go. Use our handy tech travel checklist. It can save you from suffering from lost devices, missing chargers, or a data breach.

Don't Set Yourself Up to Fail: Tips for Safer Home Security Setups
Positive Attitude Is a Key: Tips for Safer Home Security Setups

The global home security market has been growing by leaps and bounds. By 2026, experts expect the market to expand at a rate of 20.1%. This is on top of an expected increase of 21.6% from 2021 to 2022. Here are some of the things you should do for a safe home security setup.

Home Security: Why You Should Put IoT Devices on a Guest Wi-Fi Network
Home Security: Why You Should Put IoT Devices on a Guest Wi-Fi Network

The number of internet-connected devices in homes has been growing. It’s increased exponentially over the last decade. A typical home now has 10.37 devices connected to the internet. PCs and mobile devices make up a little over half of those and the rest are IoT devices. IoT stands for Internet of Things. It means any other type of “smart device” that connects online. IoT devices in a home can be everything from your streaming stick to your smart refrigerator. Smart baby monitors and Alexa voice assistants are also IoT.

Top 5 Mobile Device Attacks You Need to Watch Out For
Top 5 Mobile Device Attacks You Need to Watch Out For

Smartphones and tablets are often the preferred device for communications, web searching, and accessing many types of apps. They’re more portable and can be used from anywhere.
This has caused mobile devices to become more targeted over the past few years. As hackers realize they’re holding many of the same sensitive information and app access as PCs, they’ve been creating mobile malware and other exploits to breach mobile devices.